Phoenix 2013

Schedule Subject To Change


Friday, March 15:
The Sail Inn
26 S. Farmer Ave., Tempe
480 966-9565

7:30 Geoff Hurley
8:15 Marvin Leo Forte
9:00 Carol Pacey and The Honey Shakers
9:45 Dfactor
10:30 The Naked Chollas
11:15 Future Loves Past
12:00 Dave Rave
Saturday, March 16:
The Sail Inn
26 S. Farmer Ave., Tempe
480 966-9565

7:30 The Modeens
8:15 Cait Brennan
9:00 Serene Dominic & The GemSeekers
9:45 The Cherry Bluestorms
10:30 Russian Arms and Optics
11:15 Zero Zero
12:00 The Breakup Society

Thank yous must go out to: Gina Lombardi, April Naslund and The Sail Inn; Daren Sweet; Eric McFrancis; Cait Brennan; Carol Pacey; Steve Stanley; Jerry Lindman and Lecompton Alternate; Bruce Brodeen and Pop Geek Heaven; Panos Panay, Nate Haltom-Irwin and Sonicbids; Henry Clift and Jaguar Amplifiers; Mark Keresman and; Mitchell L. Hillman and; all the advertisers on the IPO Phoenix webpages; all of the bands who are playing IPO Phoenix; and fans who are coming from far and near to support the shows! Last but certainly not least, I want to thank Rina Bardfield for all of her love and support.