Boston 2023

Schedule Subject To Change


Wednesday, November 15:
The Square Root
2 Corinth St., Boston
617 477-3392

8:00 Karen Zanes
8:45 Noelle Hannibal
9:30 Mary Lou Lord
10:15 Dave Finney and The Procrastinators
11:00 Kelly Knapp
Thursday, November 16:
The Square Root
2 Corinth St., Boston
617 477-3392

8:00 Sal Baglio
8:45 Corin Ashley
9:30 Satch Kerans
10:15 Glowbox
11:00 Captain Easychord


Friday, November 17:
The Square Root (Red On Red Night)
2 Corinth St., Boston
617 477-3392

8:00 Tom Baker
8:45 Girl With A Hawk
9:30 Cold Expectations
10:15 Muck and the Mires
11:00 Speedfossil
Saturday, November 18:
The Square Root
2 Corinth St., Boston
617 477-3392

8:00 Justin Levinson
8:45 The Brigands
9:30 Hummingbird Syndicate
10:15 Dave Charles