Featured IPO CD Artists: The Spindles, The Virtues, The Harriets

Posted by on February 17, 2018 in IPO CD Interviews | Comments Off on Featured IPO CD Artists: The Spindles, The Virtues, The Harriets

Featured IPO CD Artist: The Spindles

IPO Vol 20 CD Song: “Prisoner of War”

1) What was the reason you chose “Prisoner of War” for the IPO CD?
Duane: Several people who have heard “Prisoner of War” have remarked that “it’s a hit” and “it should be on the radio.” It always seems to be a fan favorite, as well as one of the band’s favorites to perform.
Jeff: We also had decided to have a couple of songs mastered at Abbey Road and “Prisoner of War” was one of them, so we included it exclusively for the IPO CD. We are remixing all of the songs for the album The Spindles Past and Present that we will have mastered this November ahead of being released on CD early next year.
2) If you could play your dream gig, which other three to four artists would be on the bill with you? They can be living, defunct, or dead.
Duane: The Beatles, The Romeros, Too Much Saturn, and The Beatles.
Jeff: The Elvis Brothers, The Hollies, Raspberries, and Badfinger. Duane mentioned the Beatles twice, but I have no idea who they are. Oh yeah, I remember now, the greatest band of all time and the reason why any of us ever played or got into music.
3) Which artists are you/your band most inspired by?
Duane: The Beatles.
Jeff: The Beatles definitely, although it was a mutual love of The Elvis Brothers that first brought this band together. We love John, Paul, George, and Ringo, as well as Brad, Graham, and Rob.
4) What is your favorite part about playing IPO and/or being on the IPO CD?
Duane: Sharing the stage with some like-minded bands from Chicago or the Midwest, especially the artists that capture the true sound, spirit, and intention of power pop.
Jeff: We just want to thank David Bash and Rina Bardfield for all of their work putting on IPO every year all over the country (and internationally as well), and for including us among all of the cool bands that participate. We also appreciate people like Bruce Brodeen at Not Lame Records and Pop Geek Heaven, Terry Flamm at Broken Hearted Toy, Ken Sharp, and all of the pop music aficionados who love and support IPO and this music.
5) How can people who fall in love with your song on the IPO CD get more of your music and find out about any gigs you’re playing?
Duane: Our 12 track CD The Spindles Past and Present will be released very soon and we have plans in place to promote it through social media, IPO Chicago 2018, and by resuming live performances of the songs.
Jeff: As Duane said, we are working on getting the CD ready and we will be updating the Spindles website to reflect that. We look forward to people hearing the CD and getting a reaction. Right now, we think the CD will end up including nine original songs and three covers, including a version of The Hollies’ “Look Through Any Window” that we actually hand delivered to Graham Nash. Until we get the CD out and the website updated, we can be contacted at jjanulis@att.net. Thanks!

Featured IPO CD Artist: The Virtues

IPO Vol 20 CD Song: “One Eyed Car”

1. What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
Well, “One Eyed Car” is the first track and the first single off our latest album Oh Dear so it felt kind of obvious that should be the one. Also, it did help that David really liked it!
2. If you could play your dream gig, which other three to four artists would be on the bill with you? They can be living, defunct, or dead.
Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Tom Petty & The Posies.
3. Which artists are you/your band most inspired by?
Tom Petty, always Tom Petty!
4. What is your favorite part about playing IPO and/or being on the IPO CD?
Playing IPO is great..you get to meet so many artists and bands from all over the world no matter if it´s in Stockholm, Liverpool or elsewhere. And we all share the love of Power Pop in it´s widest meaning. And for the CD…what a great opportunity for us, as a band, to reach more people who are very likely to like our music. And of course, we also get to discover a few new bands as well. It´s a win – win!
5. How can people who fall in love with your song on the IPO CD get more of your music and find out about any gigs you’re playing?
FB: https://www.facebook.com/thevirtuessweden/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6KabWEVxiAJpnzZmYwZbpo

Featured IPO CD Artist: The Harriets

IPO Vol 20 CD Song: “The Hangers On”

1) What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
When the Harriets formed, people would compare us to certain bands based on the jangly guitars and vocal harmonies, but we didn’t have a specific song that seemed to fully embrace that comparison. “The Hangers On” was written to serve that purpose and sum up the “Harriets” sound, and so seemed a clear fit for the IPO CD.
2) If you could play your dream gig, which other three to four artists would be on the bill with you? They can be living, defunct, or dead.
We like to think that Tom Petty, Paul McCartney and Johnny Marr would sit quite nicely on the same bill!
3) Which artists are you/your band most inspired by?
Big Star, The Beatles and Macca, The Smiths, Steely Dan, Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers.
4) What is your favorite part about playing IPO and/or being on the IPO CD?
We love the international scope of it, and getting to be one among so many great artists! It was also really thrilling for us to get to play in the Cavern Club, Liverpool.
5) How can people who fall in love with your song on the IPO CD get more of your music and find out about any gigs you’re playing?
Our website is the go-to place for all things Harriets – theharrietsband.com, where you can sign up to our mailing list to get info about any upcoming gigs and recordings. You can also hear us on Spotify, and if you like what you hear we’d love to see a like on Facebook!