David Bash’s Best of 2024 Lists
Hi Everyone,
Here are my lists of favorite albums of 2024. As is my usual custom, I’ve broken this down into several categories, as I’m just not comfortable ranking unlike entities on one list.
Those marked with an * are vinyl-only releases.
Those marked with an ** are cassette-only releases.
Contemporary Categories
Disclaimer alert: I heard A LOT of fine albums in 2024. If your album doesn’t appear on the list, please trust me when I say that it in no way means I didn’t think it was good, so please don’t be hurt (assuming you even care what I think) if your album isn’t listed here (or, for that matter, if it received a lower ranking than you were hoping for/expecting). There were at least 40 more albums I could have included and still felt as if I enjoyed listening to everything on the list, but I wanted to keep it at no more than 150 so as not to overwhelm; with all the other lists I have here, there’s enough sensory overload happening!
There may be a handful of albums on this list which appear to be from 2023, or in fact were “released” at the tail end of last year. As anal as I am about my lists and about the year in which releases should be placed, I also try to be sensible about it and take into account the fact that one needs a bit of lag time to become aware of several releases, especially those indie releases which take up most of my list. If you have any complaints about this, please keep them to yourself-I’ve heard ‘em all.
Lastly, I did not include digital-only releases on any of my lists. I know this might seem a bit churlish, but 95% of what I liked this year was released on either CD or vinyl, so it was clear to me that, if one wanted to release a physical version of their album, they did. While I like some digital-only of these I heard in 2024, and even love some of them (one of them may have even been my fave of the year, had there been a physical), I’m still old school and still believe in physical product. Don’t get me wrong: I have nothing against download releases, but I believe that there should also be options to obtain physical product. Yes, I understand that printing up CDs and (especially) vinyl is costly, but these days it really is doable for every band because manufacturing houses are all willing to do limited runs of product, particularly CDs, so that a band can do as few as 50, which should be easy to sell out of at shows, via boutique sites like Kool Kat and Jam, CD Baby, etc…I am very troubled by the possibility (some might say inevitability) of the CD going by way of the dinosaur, but I feel like I need to do my part, as little as that might be, to keep them alive. I will say I am encouraged by the number of bands who did release physical product in 2024 so hopefully all will continue to be well with the world. Note: if any download-only releases I’ve heard see physical release in a future year, they will be eligible for ranking in that year. There you are, bands: a little incentive to keep the physical release alive and well.
Ok, without further ado, here you go!
I. Top 150 Albums
1. Telejet-Spiritual Age (Kool Kat)
2. Armchair Oracles-nothingeveris (Kool Kat)
3. The Lemon Twigs-A Dream Is All We Know (Captured Tracks)
4. Emperor Penguin-Gentlemen Thieves (Kool Kat)
5. Marco Rossi-Since Returning From The Moon (Last Night From Glasgow)
6. Wesley Fuller-All Fuller No Filler (Kool Kat)
7. The Maureens-Everyone Smiles (Meritorio)*
8. Justin Levenson-Collomer Circle (Self-Released)
9. Portable Radio-Counting To Three (Self-Released)*
10. Dave Cope and The Sass-Hidden From The World (Kool Kat)
11. Wishy-Triple Seven (Self-Released)
12. Mark And The Clouds-Machines Can’t Hear You (Gare Du Nord)
13. The Junipers-Imaginary Friends (Self-Released)
14. Nada Surf-Moon Mirror (New West)
15. Crelm-Hesitant Mind (Self-Released)
16. Mooon-III (Excelsior)
17. John Howard-Single Return (Kool Kat)
18. Mothboxer-Timelines (Self-Released)
19. Mothboxer-Twelve (Self-Released)
20. Redd Kross-The Redd Album (In The Red)
21. Ynys-Dosbarth Nos (Recordiau Libertino)
22. Sparkle*jets UK-Box of Letters (Big Stir)
23. The Heavy Heavy-One of A Kind (ATO)
24. The Galileo 7-You, Me and Reality (Damaged Goods)
25. Ken Sharp-Welcome To Toytown (Jetfighter)
26. Daniel Romano’s Outfit-Too Hot To Sleep (You’ve Changed)
27. Scoopski-Time Is A Thief (Self-Released)
28. Polite Company-Please Go Wild (Self-Released)
29. Mr. Ben & The Bens-Small Wide World (Bingo)*
30. The Cyrkle-Revival (Big Stir)
31. Mansfield-For All The Right Reasons (Self-Released)*
32. The Resonars-Electricity Plus (Self-Released)*
33. Brower-Flour (Dig!)*
34. The Veras-Get It While You Can (Spinout Nuggets)
35. Elephant Stone-Back Into The Dream (Self-Released)
36. The Armoires-Octoberland (Big Stir)
37. The Well Wishers-Just So You Know (That Was My Skull)
38. Librarians With Hickeys-How To Make Friends By Telephone (Big Stir)
39. Kelly Finnigan-A Lover Was Born (Colemine)
40. Famous Groupies-Black Apple (Self-Released)
41. Jay Byham-Postcards Along The Way (ITP Entertainment)
42. Groovy Uncle With Jane Wrangham & Jules Winchester-Making Excuses (Trouserphonic)
43. Mt. Misery-Love In Mind (Prefect)*
44. Joybuzzer-Pleased To Meet You (Wicked Cool)
45. Ward White-Presents Here Come The Dowsers! (Think Like A Key)
46. CB7-Love (Rock Indiana)
47. The Flirtations-Still Sounds Like The Flirtations (Cargo)
48. Valley Lodge-Shadows In Paradise (Kool Kat)
49. For Sale-Un Dia En El Parque (Rock Indiana)
50. The Duskwhales-StrawFlower Lane (Self-Released)
51. Burton Cummings-A Few Good Moments (Jojo Productions)
52. The Yum Yums-Poppin’ Up Again (Rum Bar)
53. Graham Gouldman-I Have Notes (Lojinx)
54. The Hanging Stars-On A Golden Shore (Loose)
55. Paul Molloy-The Mad Men of Apocalypso (Self-Released)
56. The Dress Rehearsal-The Dress Rehearsal (Self-Released)
57. Eric Voeks & The Ghosters-It Means Nothing Now (Self-Released)
58. DB Edmunds-Everybody Knows By Now (Self Released)*
59. The Courettes-The Soul of…The Fabulous Courettes (Damaged Goods)
60. Guided By Voices-Nowhere To Go But Up (Guided By Voices)
61. The Weeklings-Raspberry Park (JEM)
62. Dent May-What’s For Breakfast? (Car Park)
63. Crowded House-Gravity Stairs (BMG)
64. Bruce Moody-Popcycle (Self-Released)
65. Vegas With Randolph-The Future Store (Self-Released)
66. Mark Bacino-Top Of The World (Parasol)
67. The Junior League-Our Broadcast Day (Kool Kat)
68. Grand Splendid-Planetarium (Self-Released)
69. Keeley-Beautiful Mysterious (Tiny Global Productions)
70. Green Day-Saviors (Reprise)
71. Fantastic Black-Fantastic Black (Self-Released)
72. Aerial-Activities of Daily Living (Kool Kat)
73. Your Academy-#2 Record (Kool Kat)
74. Cassie23-Back In The Band (Self-Released)
75. Andrew Gabbard-Ramble & Rave On (Karma Chief)
76. The John Sally Ride-Melomaniacs (Self-Released)
77. The Surfrajettes-Easy As Pie (Hi-Tide)
78. Hungrytown-Circus For Sale (Big Stir)
79. Fastball-Sonic Ranch (Sunset Blvd.)
80. Paul Collins-Stand Back and Take A Good Look (JEM)
81. The Strange Encounters-All In The Mind (Subjangle)
82. The Chesterfield Kings-We’re Still All The Same (Wicked Cool)
83. Vinyl Kings-Big New Life (Kool Kat)
84. Kevin Robertson-The Call of The Sea (Futureman/Subjangle)
85. Jeremy-Footprints (JAM)
86. The Higher State-Internicine Free (13 O’Clock)*
87. Fleur-Fille Sauvage (Soundflat)*
88. Susan James-Time Is Now (Self-Released)
89. Brent Seavers-Exhibit B (Kool Kat)
90. Spencer Segelov & Great Paintings-You’re A Lighthouse, I’m At Sea (Self-Released)
91. Nick Piunti and The Complicated Men-Up and Out of It (JEM)
92. Tamar Berk-Good Times For A Change (Self-Released)
93. The Rebuttals-1967-1970 (Self-Released)
94. David Woodard-Get It Good (Kool Kat)
95. The Feeling-San Vito (LWR)
96. Local Drags-City In A Room (Stardumb)
97. Janne Borgh Fanclub-Byronesque (Kool Kat)
98. Fernando Perdomo-Self (Cherry Red)
99. David Paton-Communication (Self-Released)
100. Phil Thornalley-Holly Would (Lojinx)
101. Rich Arithmetic-Push Button Romance (Kool Kat)
102. Robin Schell-Deluxe Atomic Gazebo (Self-Released)
103. Willie Dowling-The Simpleton (Self-Released)
104. Extra Arms-Radar (Self-Released)
105. Marc Valentine-Basement Sparks (Wicked Cool)
106. Monogroove-The Flip Side (Self-Released)
107. Jeremy-The Future Is The Past (JAM)
108. Rome 56-Paradise Is Free (Think Like A Key)
109. Dolour-Daylight Upon Magic (Inverness Recordings)
110. The Blusterfields-Beyond Science (Self-Released)
111. Roger Knott-Pull The Plough That Furrows Deepest (Think Like A Key)
112. Brian Ray-My Town (Wicked Cool)
113. Benny Trokan-Do You Still Think Of Me? (Wick)
114. The Suns-Reverse Life Forward (Self-Released)
115. Changing Modes-Welcome To Wonderland (Self-Released)
116. Glad Days-Kingdom of Mustang (Kool Kat)
117. 8×8-Life During Wartime (Self-Released)
118. Dan Miraldi-Ulysses (Self-Released)
119. The Ronson Hangup-Centaurus (Self-Released)
120. Jeremy-The Promise (JAM)
121. Kelly’s Heels-Since Records Began
122. Colman Gota-Don’t Stop Playing Guitar (Kool Kat)
123. Sergio Ceccanti-Mysterious Journey (Kool Kat)
124. The Cleaners From Venus-Lilli Bolero (Self-Released)
125. Richard Snow & The In Laws-Look Back In Manga (Self-Released)
126. Dream Phases-Phantom Idol (Kool Kat)
127. The Incurables-Inside Out & Backward (Big Stir)
128. The Mads-Time By Time (Self-Released)
129. Justin Beynon-Are These The Days You’re Waiting For? (Self-Released)
130. Jon 22-Muse (Self-Released)*
131. The Real Numbers-Thank You! (Kool Kat)
132. Los Hermanos Dalton-Viajar En El Tiempo E Otras Historias (Rock Indiana)
133. The Peawees-One Ride (Spaghetti Town)*
134. Fizz-The Secret To Life (Decca)
135. The Lemon Clocks-New Adventures (JAM)
136. Lava Fangs-Sub Auroram (Kool Kat)
137. Movie Movie-In 4-D! (Topsy Turvy)
138. The Sacred Souls-Got A Story To Tell (Daptone)
139. Richard Turgeon-Life of The Party-(Kool Kat)
140. The Beatpack-The Violet Hour (Spinout Nuggets)
141. Cast-Love Is The Call (Self-Released)
142. The Tangerines-Make It Happen (Self-Released)
143. The Stoke Barehills Town Band-All Aboard The Moving Ship! (Self-Released)
144. Silent Forum-Domestic Majestic (Libertino)*
145. 6kitty-Under Pins (Self-Released)
146. Los Giros-Accion (Family Spree)*
147. The Hollywood Stars-Starstruck (Rum Bar)
148. The Fantastic Fellinis-Deux (Soundflat)*
149. The Seasongs-Doce Lunas (Lucinda)
150. Jeff Slate-Last Day of Summer (Self-Released)
II. Top 8 Eps
1. Dennis Schocket & Cliff Hillis-Pop, Girls, Etc. (Self-Released)
2. Jordan Jones-And I You (Lollipop/Kool Kat)
3. Speedfossil-Room With a VU, Vol. 1 (Self-Released)
4. Feef Mooney-Special Friend One (Self-Released)
5. Solitary Bee-Bloom (Self-Released)
6. The Arcadeans-Duplicity (Self-Released)
7. Scott Roberts-Still Kinda Here (Self-Released)
8. Mrs. Smith and The Present-Premium Rock ‘n’ Roll Band (Self-Released)
III. Top CompilationsSingle Artist
The Speedways-Triple Platinum (Beluga/Snap!!)*
IV. Top 3 Compilations-Various Artists
1. International Pop Overthrow Vol. 25 (Omnivore)
2. Rock Indiana X (Rock Indiana)
3. Generation Blue (Big Stir/SpyderPop)
V. Top 5 Tribute Discs-Single Artist
1. Half Cubes-Pop Treasures (Big Stir)
2. Ian Gothe + Fernando Perdomo-Never Let Go: A Tribute To Camel (Think Like A Key)
3. Robin Hitchcock-1967: Vacations In The Past (Tiny Ghost)
4. Jeremy and The Lemon Clocks-Side By Side (Self-Released)
5. EX Norwegian & Friends Present-Sing Wistle Tunes: A Tribute To John Entwhisle (Think Like A Key)
VI. Top 3 Tribute Discs-Various Artists
1. JEM Records Celebrates Jagger & Richards (JEM)
2. We Are All Drifters-A Tribute To The Continental Drifters (Lousiana Music Factory)
3. Yesterday’s Sunshine Today-New Magical Covers of Nirvana Songs 1967-1969 (Think Like A Key)
Reissue Categories
For this category, at least one of the following criteria must be met for the album to qualify:
a. those that are on CD or LP for the first time
b. those that had been previously issued, but are now out of print or difficult to find
c. those in whose current issue have lots of bonus tracks, or some other unique feature
d. those which were previously unreleased but are “old” enough to where they should be considered reissues.
What I did NOT include were “garden variety” reissues of popular albums.
A CD or LP which contains exclusively previously unreleased material which is not from current times is still considered a “reissue” in my ranking structure.
With the above in mind, while quality is the major factor in determining the rankings, other factors such as number and type of bonus tracks, presentation, liner notes, sound quality, etc…do come into play. So, if you see a classic album ranking lower than one with less of a rep (or one you know I like a bit less), it’s because of the other factors.
I. Top 75 Proper Albums
1. Paul McCartney & Wings-Band On The Run: Expanded Edition (Universal)
2. John Cale-Paris 1919: Deluxe Two LP Edition (Domino)
3. Mark Eric-A Midsummer’s Day Dream (Now Sounds)*
4. Grapefruit-Around Grapefruit: Record Store Day Deluxe Edition (Bonfire)*
5. The Cowsills-Global (Omnivore)
6. Elton John-Caribou: RSD Exclusive Two LP Set (Rocket)*
7. Kaleidoscope-Tangerine Dream (Fontana)*
8. The Pursuit of Happiness-The Wonderful World Of… (We Are Busybodies)
9. Rockin’ Horse-Yes It Is: Expanded Edition (Think Like A Key)
10. XTC-Skylarking: Stereo Mixes Released on Vinyl For First Time (Ape House)
11. Smokey Robinson & The Miracles-Make It Happen: Original Mono Masters (Universal Motown)*
12. The Aerovons-Resurrection (Euclid)*
13. Badfinger-Head First: 50th Anniversary Special Edition (Y&T)
14. Bronco Bullfrog-Oak Apple Day (Guerssen)*
15. Bryndle-Bryndle (High Moon)*
16. The High Llamas-Gideon Gaye (Alpaca Park)*
17. The Gordian Knot-The Gordian Knot (Sundazed)
18. Brevity-Home Is Where Your Dog Is (Think Like A Key)
19. The Monkees-The Birds, The Bees and The Monkees: RSD Edition (Friday Music)
20. Lightning Seeds-Cloudcookooland (Sony)*
21. John Bromley-Sing (Think Like A Key)
22. Ohio Players-Observations In Time: The Johnny Brantley/Vidalia Productions (Omnivore)
23. Creation of Sunlight-Sunlight (Guerssen)
24. Traffic Sound-Virgin (Munster)*
25. Erik Voeks-Sandbox (Hanky Panky)*
26. Abba-Waterloo: 50th Anniversary Edition (Polar)*
27. Hanson-Middle of Nowhere (Universal)*
28. Labi Siffre-The Singer and The Song: Half Speed Master Edition (Demon)*
29. dBs-Repercussion (Propeller)
30. Lightning Seeds-Dizzy Heights (Sony)*
31. Dwight Twilley-Twilley (Iconoclassic)
32. Misty-Here Again (Sommor)*
33. Tinted Windows-Tinted Windows: RSD Edition (BMG)*
34. The Beach Boys-All Summer Long: 60th Anniversary Limited Edition (Universal)
35. Billy Nicholls-Love Songs (Southwest)
36. Ellie Pop-Ellie Pop (Sundazed)*
37. The Living Daylights-Let’s Live For Today (Guerssen)*
38. Keane-Hope and Fears: 20th Anniversary Edition (Universal)
39. The Superfine Dandelion-The Superfine Dandelion (Sundazed)*
40. Ex Norwegian-House Music: Less Tiesto Edition (Think Like A Key)
41. Spooky Tooth-Spooky Tooth (Island)*
42. Bobby Hutton-Piece of The Action (Expansion)
43. Monday Blues-The Phil Spector Songbook (GoodTime)
44. Anthony Meynell & Squire-September Gurls (Hi-Lo)*
45. Lightning Seeds-Sense (Sony)*
46. The Tiffany Shade-The Tiffany Shade (Sundazed)*
47. Tremeloes-Master: Deluxe Edition (Think Like A Key)
48. The Young Fresh Fellows-The Fabulous Sounds of The Pacific Northwest (Omnivore)
49. Gentle Giant-Free Hand: Expanded Edition (Alucard)
50. Bronco Bullfrog-Seventhirtyeight (Guerrsen)*
51. The Bluebells-Sisters: Expanded Deluxe (Cherry Red)
52. The Four Seasons-Genuine Imitation Life Gazette: RSD Exclusive (Rhino)*
53. David Bowie-David Bowie: Deluxe Reissue (Deram)*
54. Ex Norwegian-Sketch: Extra Sketch Edition (Think Like A Key)
55. The Dahlmann’s-All Dahled Up! (Beluga)*
56. Davy Jones-Davy Jones: Expanded Edition (7A)
57. The Stylistics-Love Is Back In Style (Omnivore)
58. Ars Nova-Ars Nova (Sundazed)
59. The Golden Gate-Year One: Deluxe Package (Culture Factory)*
60. The High Llamas-Hawaii (Alpaca Park)*
61. Labi Siffre-Labi Siffre: Half Speed Master Edition (Demon)*
62. Methuselah-Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (Grapefruit)
63. The Emperors-I Want My Woman (Beat Rocket)
64. Dwight Twilley-Jungle (Iconoclassic)
65. Gentle Giant-In’terview: Expanded Edition (Alucard)
66. Soul Generation-Beyond Body and Soul (Sweet Magic)*
67. Alice Cooper-Billion Dollar Babies: Deluxe Edition (Warner/Rhino)
68. David Porter-…Into A Real Thing (VMP Classics)*
69. Ladybug Transistor-The Albermarle Sound (Happy Happy Birthday To Me)
70. The Beach Boys-Pet Sounds: RSD Essential Edition (Universal)*
71. Kevin Ayers-Joy of A Toy (Esoteric)*
72. SRC-SRC: RSD Limited Edition (Jackpot)*
73. Fotheringay-Fotheringay (Endless Happniness)*
74. Harry Nilsson-Pussy Cats: 50th Anniversary Edition (VMP Classics)
75. Michael de Albuquerque-We May Be Cattle, But We’ve All Got Names (Think Like A Key)
II. Top 3 Two-Fers, Three-Fers, Four-Fers and Five-Fers
1. Spanky and Our Gang-Spanky and Our Gang/Like To Get To Know You/Anything You Choose/Live (BGO)
2. The Grass Roots-Leaving It All Behind/Move Along/Alotta Mileage (BGO)
3. Smokey Robinson & The Miracles-What Love Has Joined Together/A Pocketful of Miracles/One Dozen Roses/Flying High Together (Soul Music)
III. Top 30 Compilations, Single Artist
1. The Twilights-Twilights Time!: The Completely 1960s Recordings (Strawberry)
2. West Coast Consortium-All The Love In The World: Complete Recordings 1964-1972 (Grapefruit)
3. The Aerovons-World Of You: The Complete Recordings (Grapefruit)
4. Paul McCartney & Wings-One Hand Clapping (Capitol/Universal)
5. The Wombles-50th Anniversary Celebration: The Remastered Singles + Rare Bonus Tracks (Dramatico)*
6. Dave Edmunds-Swan Songs: The Singles 1976-1981 (Omnivore)
7. Gerry and The Pacemakers-I Like It!: Anthology 1963-1966 (Strawberry)
8. Wil Malone-Old Feet, New Socks: The Many Faces of Wil Malone 1965-72 (Bear Family)
9. Unicorn-Shed No Tear: The Early Late Unicorn (Think Like A Key)
10. Lou Christie-Gypsy Bells: Columbia Recordings 1967 (Ace)
11. Glen Campbell-Sings Jimmy Webb (Ace)
12. Margo Guryan-Words and Music (Numero)
13. Marc Jonson-Groova Tizmo!: Lost Cornelia Street Recordings 1979-2012 (Munster)
14. Neil Christian-He’s Got The Action!: Anthology 1962-1974 (Strawberry)
15. Slik-The Complete Slik Collection (7T’s)
16. Tom Evans-I Am Myself: Demos 1967-1970 (Y&T)
17. The Johnny Winter Story: The GRT/Janus Recordings (Omnivore)
18. Lou Reed-Why Don’t You Smile Now: Lou Reed At Pickwick Records 1964-65 (Light In The Attic)
19. Glad-A New Tomorrow: The Glad & New Breed Recordings (Now Sounds)
20. Don Fardon-I’m Alive: The Don Fardon Anthology 1967-1974 (Strawberry)
21. Rain-Tomorrow Never Comes: The NYC Sessions 1967-1968 (Grapefruit)
22. Pete Ham-Gwent Gardens (Y&T)
23. Martin Newell-Jumble Sale: Demoes & Out-takes 1975-2017 (Self-Released)
24. Silver Sun-B Is For Silver Sun (Demon)*
25. Don & The Goodtimes-The Original Northwest Sound (Beat Rocket)
26. Frank Sidebottom’s Little Box of Bobbins: Frank’s Fantastic Anthology 1985-1993 (Cherry Red)
27. Yachts-Missing In Action: The Lost Tapes 1980/81 (4BE)
28. Dave Clark Five-Stereo LP Collection Volume 7: Pieces & Bits-Rarities & Single Tracks (DCS)
29. The Iveys-Anthology 4: How Much Is The Sky Demos 1967-1969 (Y&T)
30. Ramones-The 1975 Sire Demos (Rhino)*
IV. Top 15 Compilations, Various Artists
1. Didn’t I Blow Your Mind?-Thom Bell: The Sound of Philadelphia Soul 1969-1983 (Kent)
2. Nuggets-Original Artyfacts From The First Psychedelic Era 1965-1968: 50th Anniversary Edition (Rhino)*
3. Nuggets Vol. 2-Original Artyfacts From The First Psychedelic Era 1964-1968: The Follow Up That Never Was* (Rhino)
4. Eddie Pillar Presents-The Mod Top 100 (Edsel)
5. Holland Dozier Holland-Detroit 1969-1977 (Edsel)
6. A Different World-The Holland Dozier Holland Songbook (Kent)
7. Psych!-British Prog, Rock, Folk & Blues 1966-1973 (Decca)
8. We’ve Only Just Begun-The Paul Williams Songbook (Ace)
9. Here, There and Everywhere: 22 Reinterpretations of John Lennon, Paul McCartney & George Harrison’s Classic Songs By Some of Black America’s Foremost Artists of the 60s, 70s, 80s, and Beyond (Ace)
10. Mejor De Los Nuggetz-‘60s Garage and Psych (Liberation Hall)*
11. Ripples Presents Psychedelic Sunshine Pop From The 1960s (BMG)
12. This Is Goldwax: 1964-1968 (Kent)
13. Cheat & Lie: The Mickey Dallon Story 1962-1970 (Grapefruit)
14. Atlanta-Hotbed of 70s Soul (Kent)
15. Xanadu-From The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Universal)
V. Top 30 Box Sets: Single Artist
1. Laura Nyro-Hear My Story: The Collection 1966-1995 (Madfish)
2. The Beatles-1964 U.S. Albums In Mono (Universal)
3. 10cc-20 Years 1972-1992 (Edsel)
4. The Rascals-It’s Wonderful: The Complete Atlantic Studio Recordings (Now Sounds)
5. John Lennon-Mind Games: The Ultimate Collection (Universal)
6. George Harrison-Living In The Material World: Superdeluxe Edition (Dark Horse)
7. The Alan Parsons Project-Pyramid: Super Deluxe Limited Edition Box Set (Cooking Vinyl)
8. Q65: The Life We Live: Anthology 1965-2000 (Pseudonym)
9. Mark Wirtz-Dream, Dream, Dream: The Anthology (Cherry Red)
10. Barry Ryan-The Albums 1969-79 (7Ts)
11. Yes-Fragile: Superdeluxe Edition (Atlantic)
12. Blue Magic-Stop To Start: The ATCO & WMOT Recordings 1973-1977 (SoulMusic)
13. The Dream Academy-Religion, Revolution & Railways (Cherry Red)
14. Lindisfarne-Brand New Day: The Mercury Years 1978-1979 (Lemon)
15. Faces-Faces at The BBC: Complete BBC Concert and Session Recordings 1970-1973 (Rhino)
16. Green Day-Presents American Idiot: 20th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition (Warner/Reprise)
17. Al Stewart-Past, Present Future 50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition (Cherry Red)
18. Lindsey Buckingham-20th Century Lindsey (Rhino)
19. David Bowie-Rock ‘N’ Roll Star! (Parlophone)
20. Stackridge-Lost & Found: The Reunion Years 1999-2015 (Esoteric)
21. Bert Kaempfert-The Bert Kaempfert Decca Collection (Decca)
22. Tim Hollier-Time Has A Way of Losing You: The Tim Hollier Anthology (Grapefruit)
23. Archie Bell & The Drells-The Albums 1968-1979 (Robinsongs)
24. Vanilla Fudge-Where Is My Mind?: The ATCO Recordings 1967-1969 (Esoteric)
25. Andwella-To Dream (Numero)
26. Kim Wilde-Love Blonde: The RAK Years (Cherry Red)
27. Weezer-Blue Turns 30: Deluxe Box Set (Universal)
28. Alan Hull-Singing A Song In The Morning Light: The Legendary Demo Tapes 1967-1970 (Grapefruit)
29. Thin Lizzy-1976 (Mercury)
20. Eyes of Blue-The Light We See: The Recordings 1969-1971 (Esoteric)
VI. Top 15 Box Sets: Various Artists
1. Pour A Little Sugar On It-The Chewy Chewy Sounds of American Bubblegum 1966-1971 (Grapefruit)
2. New Guitars In Town-Power Pop 1978-82 (Cherry Red)
3. You Can Walk Across It On The Grass-The Boutique Sounds of Swinging London (Grapefruit)
4. I See You Live On Love Street-Music From Laurel Canyon 1967-1975 (Grapefruit)
5. Can’t Seem To Calm Down-The American Sounds of 1968 (Grapefruit)
6. The Morgan Bluetown Story (Morgan Blue Town)
7. Patterns On The Window-The British Progressive Pop Sounds of 1974 (Grapefruit)
8. As I Roved Out-A Story of Celtic Rock 1968-1978 (Strawberry)
9. Ring The Bells and Sing-Progressive Sounds of 1975 (Esoteric)
10. Lazy Days-The British Progressive Pop Sounds of 1975 (Grapefruit)
11. Pushin’ Too Hard-American Garage Punk 1964-1967 (Strawberry)
12. Heaven Sent-The Rise of New Pop 1979-1983 (Cherry Red)
13. Do The Strum!-Joe Meek’s Tea Chest Tapes: Girl Groups and Pop Chanteuses 1960-1966 (Cherry Red)
14. Cut Me Deep-A Story of Indie Pop 1985-1989 (Cherry Red)
15. Popscene-From Baggy To Britpop 1989-1994 (Cherry Red)