
Featured IPO CD Artists: Athanor2.0, Ex-Norwegian, Blake Jones & The Trike Shop, Micah Gilbert, Marlovers

Posted by on April 12, 2024 in IPO CD Interviews | Comments Off on Featured IPO CD Artists: Athanor2.0, Ex-Norwegian, Blake Jones & The Trike Shop, Micah Gilbert, Marlovers

Featured IPO CD Artist: Athanor 2.0

IPO Vol. 24 CD Song: “I Dream of You Every Night”

1. What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
“I Dream of You Every Night” jumped out of a new guitar I bought, a Gretsch snow-crest white electromatic. Seriously. I opened the case and the song was born. That kind of thing has happened to me only a handful of times.
2. If you had to pick only one artist (living or dead) as your musical hero, who would it be and why?
Dion DiMucci. When I was a kid “Runaround Sue” and “The Wanderer” were like anthems to me. The guy was so cool–New York savvy. And I guess there was some role model identification. I’m Italian on my mother’s side. Later on in life I got to know him fairly well, interviewed him and booked him on a TV show in Chicago. That night at the Ivanhoe Theater he called me and my photographer out of the audience to sing “Teenager in Love” with him. Knocked it out of the park and got a standing ovation. I’d only been rehearsing it for 17 years.
3. What advice you would give to the current generation of aspiring musicians based on your own experience thus far?
Keep your day job.
4. What advice do you wish someone had given you when you were just starting out as a musician / band? (can be same or different than above)
Swing with it. Don’t let it obsess you. Make it fun.
5. What do you most enjoy about being associated with The IPO Festival/CD?
Well, you have a built-in audience, and the performers seem like relatives. We’re all in it together.
6. Where can people who love your song on the IPO CD go to get more of your music and/or find out when and where you’re playing?
Athanor plays rarely. We’re a studio band, mostly. But go to Amazon or Youtube.com or Spotify. We’re all over the place.

Featured IPO CD Artist: Ex-Norwegian

IPO Vol. 24 CD Song: “I’ll Stay In Your Heart”

1. What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
The song “I’ll Stay In Your Heart” was actually rejected from our last couple of albums because it was felt to be a little too power poppy. But I always believed in it, and I’m glad we were able to find the right place for it on this album. An exclusive track to the set!
2. If you had to pick only one artist (living or dead) as your musical hero, who would it be and why?
I honestly don’t have an answer to this one!
3. What advice you would give to the current generation of aspiring musicians based on your own experience thus far?
Make sure you are happy with whatever it is you are doing…playing, performing, recording…but also, maybe more importantly, if you are serious, keep up with trends. This could be music in general, or trends within your niche.
4. What advice do you wish someone had given you when you were just starting out as a musician / band? (can be same or different than above)
I’ve heard all types of advice over the years, and I’m grateful for all of it. Some of it I didn’t pay attention to at the time, but it’s come back to me later on. And some of it I took to heart, and I think it helped me avoid certain pitfalls that others have fallen into. Things have changed so much since those early days though!
5. What do you most enjoy about being associated with The IPO Festival/CD?
It’s one of the few, if not the top outlet for the subgenre that is fondly revered as ‘powerpop’. You’ll always be in good and inspired company with like-minded artists.
6. Where can people who love your song on the IPO CD go to get more of your music and/or find out when and where you’re playing?
The website exnorwegian.com will be the best place for the latest updates on the band. Although gigs have become more infrequent (our last show was at the IPO Liverpool 2023), there are plans to get more into exclusive content creation on a platform such as Patreon. So stay tuned to the website for more information.

Featured IPO CD Artist: Blake Jones & The Trike Shop

IPO Vol. 24 CD Song: “Mock Stoner Voices”

1. What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
Last time I filled out this questionnaire, it was ‘had to get one done before going in for
heart surgery’. This time, a couple of tunes were done, but just needed mixing. We had
to finish up, because in just three days, we were heading off for the UK to play in
the Liverpool IPO shows!!
2. If you had to pick only one artist (living or dead) as your musical hero, who would it be and why?
Gosh. I have to answer with one of the most obvious choices: Paul McCartney. Look how hard he works. Look how hard he still works. Look how many great tunes he’s put out. Look how he’s tried so many different things outside of our typical expectations of him: classical pieces, cartoon soundtracks, Electronica… But still, unfair that I couldn’t mention some other obvious ones like Ray Davies, Pete Townshend, and Brian Wilson…
3. What advice you would give to the current generation of aspiring musicians based on your own experience thus far?
Enjoy it. I have had a lifetime of working at this thing. I’ve experienced some modest successes, and my share of frustrations. The trick is to notice the wonderful things around you: friends to play music with, that many of your worries are revolving around cool stuff: your band, your recordings, your shows…rather than just affording a new water pump for the Ford—though, of course, that stuff comes up as well. I was leaving for one of our European trips (which probably included IPO Liverpool!). So many details to weigh you down—Do I have my passport? Will my bandmates make all their flight connections? Will I ever figure out how to use those streetcar automats that give out the little tickets?…I’m going out the door with all these worries ticking through me, and my wife wisely reminds me, “Don’t forget to *enjoy* this!”
4. What advice do you wish someone had given you when you were just starting out as a musician / band? (can be same or different than above)
I think I covered this above! Enjoy!
5. What do you most enjoy about being associated with The IPO Festival/CD?
The comaraderie. The community. The fun of meeting new co-conspirators to dream up new adventures!
6. Where can people who love your song on the IPO CD go to get more of your music and/or find out when and where you’re playing?
It’s just one song from our upcoming album Blake Jones & the Trike Shop “and still…”. It’ll be out in August on Big Stir Records, so it’ll be out on the different streaming services and available on vinyl and CD through bigstirrecords.com or at our shows.

Featured IPO CD Artist: Micah Gilbert

IPO Vol. 24 CD Song: “Colour Wheel”

1. What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
The simple answer is I had just completed a new mix of ‘Color Wheel’, which is a recent song. I always like the last work I’ve done the best. Also, it seemed to fit the occasion.
2. If you had to pick only one artist (living or dead) as your musical hero, who would it be and why?
The question’s too hard! However, narrowing it to a living artist and songwriter, the person I would most like to work with is Sam Phillips. I think her writing is superb. Her melodies are beautiful, and her lyrics are put together like exquisite puzzles.
3. What advice you would give to the current generation of aspiring musicians based on your own experience thus far?
Learn new musical skills, do the work, keep focused on the things that really mean something to you. Not what you think others may like. Be true to your metaphorical school. It’s your life you’re creating. Create it with verve and dignity. Make it somewhere you want to continue to live as a writer/musician. Work and play well with others. There is room for everyone’s talent – it’s not a competition.
4. What advice do you wish someone had given you when you were just starting out as a musician / band? (can be same or different than above)
Never take too seriously any negative or positive reviews, or suggestions about you or how you must do things. Not because the information is bad. Many people will have an opinion about someone who sticks their head above the parapet to do something artistic. It’s just that, in the long run, following your heart (and taking your head along for the ride) is what will bring out the best work that you can do. Don’t try to please. Just try to be. It the immortal words of Rick Nelson, “You can’t please everyone / so you got to please yourself”.
5. What do you most enjoy about being associated with The IPO Festival/CD?
David Bash has created a universe in which original music stands at the forefront. A universe that supports known and lesser-known songwriters and bands. All for the love of the music. The IPO is a celebration of musicians and fans alike. In my experience, this seems to always happen in an inclusive way. The musicians are supportive of each other and the fans, and the fans are supportive of the musicians and each other. And the IPO fans are the best. What’s not to love?
6. Where can people who love your song on the IPO CD go to get more of your music and/or find out when and where you’re playing?
My music is available on all the usual streaming services.
You can also find it on Micah Gilbert on Bandcamp and Micah Gilbert on Soundcloud.
My website, https://www.micahgilbert.com/ , and my Facebook music page, https://www.facebook.com/MicahGilbertMusic – which are sometimes woefully out of date (I promise to do better this year) – are the best places to keep up with my comings and goings.

Featured IPO CD Artist: Marlovers

IPO Vol. 24 CD Song: “Heart of Darkness”

1. What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
We love vocal harmonies, and jangly electric guitars, and catchy pop songs. A good pop song, that’s what we try to achieve when writing and recording our songs. It’s a never-ending search, looking for a bit of an improvement from one song to the next. We think “Heart of Darkness” is a good example of what we do, in our attempt to finally find the “perfect” Marlovers song.
2. If you had to pick only one artist (living or dead) as your musical hero, who would it be and why?
George Harrison comes quickly to my mind. Amazing musician and songwriter. John and Paul set the bar at the highest level, but George, far from being left behind, delivered… and how!
3. What advice you would give to the current generation of aspiring musicians based on your own experience thus far?
Be creative, push yourself and try to make something original with your instrument. That’s what brings more fun, and it will set you apart from other musicians. That’s key for success.
4. What advice do you wish someone had given you when you were just starting out as a musician / band? (can be same or different than above)
Someone should have told us that we better learn how to record and produce our own records…
5. What do you most enjoy about being associated with The IPO Festival/CD?
Being in company of so many great pop rock bands is an honor. IPO is the best festival nowadays in terms of original and creative bands.
6. Where can people who love your song on the IPO CD go to get more of your music and/or find out when and where you’re playing?
You can find our records at https://marlovers.bandcamp.com/. And about our adventures in the music business, nothing better that the still relevant https://www.facebook.com/marlovers.band , and the modern (’til it isn’t) https://www.instagram.com/marlovers.band/.