
Featured IPO CD Artists: John McMullan, The Slang, The Top Boost

Posted by on November 16, 2017 in IPO CD Interviews | Comments Off on Featured IPO CD Artists: John McMullan, The Slang, The Top Boost

Featured IPO CD Artist: John McMullan

IPO Vol 20 CD Song: “Smile At Me”

1) What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
I happened across a ragged cassette that contained a demo of “Smile At Me” that I made in the early ’90’s. Don Smith (Good Question/Van Duren producer) and I simply felt that it needed to be recorded again, with the new version featuring (former Zuider Zee drummer) Robert Hall playing real drums. I also rearranged the synthesizer parts, and Don and I overdubbed some mega-layered backing vocals. Because we did it at Ardent in Memphis, we imagined how The Cars might have sounded if Jim Dickinson had produced them there.
2) If you could play your dream gig, which other three to four artists would be on the bill with you? They can be living, defunct, or dead.
My dream bill would be The Trend (playing 7 selections from our album and both sides of our single); Fools Face (playing Public Places); 20/20 (playing ALL of the self-titled album, plus “The Night I Heard A Scream” from LOOK OUT); The Knack (playing Get The Knack all the way through, plus highlights from Round Trip); and The Cars (playing their first two albums all the way through.) Yes, it would be long, and impossible, of course, but it would certainly be a dream gig for me.
3) Which artists are you/your band most inspired by?
My inspiration as a solo studio artist comes from everywhere, most often traceable to ’60s and ’70s AM radio and late ’70s FM. For example, a few volumes back I did a song called “You Are Dreaming,” which was my attempt at mixing the guitar and organ wash of The Heartbreakers with George Martin-ish strings in the vein of “I Am The Walrus.” Hopefully, it worked. The Trend, of course, was directly inspired by The Knack, 20/20, The Beat, The Plimsouls, and all those great power pop singles from bands like The Records, The Jags, Nick Lowe, and Bram Tchaikovsky.
4) What is your favorite part about playing IPO and/or being on the IPO CD?
I love binge-listening to the huge 3-CD set once it is released every year. I am as much a fan as an artist, and I am totally into what others are producing. As far as my own recordings, I love that David has been very supportive of my “experiments” over the years. I have also been fortunate to have received such wonderful feedback as a result of having been included on 17 of the 20 volumes of the International Pop Overthrow series.
5) How can people who fall in love with your song on the IPO CD get more of your music and find out about any gigs you’re playing?
Check out my webpage at www.johnmcmullan.com, or visit the Kicktone Records page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kicktonerecords/ or The Trend’s page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thetrendisin/

Featured IPO CD Artist: The Slang

IPO Vol 20 CD Song: “Breakthrough”

1) What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
It fits the vibe of IPO by being a song that blends rock with a little pop. It’s lyrically open and can be interpreted many different ways.
2) If you could play your dream gig, which other three to four artists would be on the bill with you? They can be living, defunct, or dead.
Johnny Cash; The Cure; Elvis Presley; Velvet Underground – Yeah, it’s all over the place and would make for an interesting night.
3) Which artists are you/your band most inspired by?
We enjoy bands that have a lot of layers to their songs. The Brian Eno type bands such as Talking Heads, U2 etc. We also like The Cure and bands inspired by that era such as Nada Surf, Rogue Wave etc.
4) What is your favorite part about playing IPO and/or being on the IPO CD?
Playing IPO is always an amazing experience to see incredible bands perform and compare songwriting styles. It’s an inspiring event for us to attend. Being on the IPO CD is the icing on the cake by being able to take the experience home.
5) How can people who fall in love with your song on the IPO CD get more of your music and find out about any gigs you’re playing?
Check www.theslang.com for more info.

Featured IPO CD Artist: The Top Boost

IPO Vol 20 CD Song: “What If She Loves You?”

1) What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
We chose “What If She Loves You?” for the CD because it’s a rocker and people seem to like it. Plus we feel like it fits the power pop mold more than any other song on our EP.
2) If you could play your dream gig, which other three to four artists would be on the bill with you? They can be living, defunct, or dead.
This is a tough question. Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, and maybe early Yes. These bands don’t (and can’t) exist anymore so it would be cool just to see them play. If we had to choose a modern band, it would be The Lemon Twigs. Those guys are crazy good.
3) Which artists are you/your band most inspired by?
We are really into pop from the ’60s and ’70s. The kind of music that changed the way records were produced. Bands like The Byrds, The Beach Boys and especially The Beatles. Their songs and records are too good to be true. They single-handedly changed everything in just a few years. Bands like that make us want to make music and drive us to constantly try to improve the music we make.
4) What is your favorite part about playing IPO and/or being on the IPO CD?
What we love the most about playing IPO is the audience we are able to reach. It’s such a great atmosphere. Everyone’s there to hear great pop music. It’s super comfortable on the stage. Definitely some of our favorite show memories!
5) How can people who fall in love with your song on the IPO CD get more of your music and find out about any gigs you’re playing?
Simple! Look us up at thetopboost.com. Everything from show updates to where to find our music. We’d love to see you all there!