
Featured IPO CD Artists: Michael Steven Cohen, The Jeremy Band, Super Buffet, The Larvettes, Kim & Lee

Posted by on March 9, 2024 in IPO CD Interviews | Comments Off on Featured IPO CD Artists: Michael Steven Cohen, The Jeremy Band, Super Buffet, The Larvettes, Kim & Lee

Featured IPO CD Artist: Michael Steven Cohen

IPO Vol. 24 CD Song: “Little Submarine” (w/Graham Elvis)

1. What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
This was the song that David Bash discovered my group with. It was written by old band mates who went on to become Webstirs and a musical collaboration between me and Graham Elvis from The Elvis Bros.
2. If you had to pick only one artist (living or dead) as your musical hero, who would it be and why?
It’s become Isaac Donald Everly over the years. His brilliant singing with his brother Phil, his songwriting and especially his rhythm guitar playing. Keith Richards called him the best. Who am I to argue?
3. What advice you would give to the current generation of aspiring musicians based on your own experience thus far?
Practice, practice, practice. Then the missing ingredient is luck. You create art for yourself. If others enjoy it, it’s truly a blessing.
4. What advice do you wish someone had given you when you were just starting out as a musician / band? (can be same or different than above)
Practice, practice, practice. I wish I’d have gone back to playing the piano. It’d only have helped me musically.
5. What do you most enjoy about being associated with The IPO Festival/CD?
I’ve performed at every IPO Chicago since it’s inception…some years with multiple appearances. Like a favorite pair of comfortable shoes that get shined up annually and shown to very appreciative crowds.
6. Where can people who love your song on the IPO CD go to get more of your music and/or find out when and where you’re playing?
I have branched out a bit from the cut on the disc, recorded in 1991. I now focus my energies as an ambassador of the Great American Songbook, re-imagining it as a singer-songwriter on acoustic guitar.
or Google “Michael Steven Cohen”

Featured IPO CD Artist: The Jeremy Band

IPO Vol. 24 CD Song: “A Better Life”

1. What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
Because it was the opening track from my new album “A Better Life” and it’s very much a power pop song!
2. If you had to pick only one artist (living or dead) as your musical hero, who would it be and why?
3. What advice you would give to the current generation of aspiring musicians based on your own experience thus far?
Listen to the stuff from the 60’s and 70’s …it’s far superior
4. What advice do you wish someone had given you when you were just starting out as a musician / band? (can be same or different than above)
That the industry is corrupt ….so go independent! (Which I did end up doing)
5. What do you most enjoy about being associated with The IPO Festival/CD?
The fellowship of true music lovers and kindred spirits
6. Where can people who love your song on the IPO CD go to get more of your music and/or find out when and where you’re playing?
or contact me directly at jeremy.morris@juno.com

Featured IPO CD Artist: Super Buffet

IPO Vol. 24 CD Song: “Gallivanting”

1. What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
We wrote it specifically to debut at the previous year’s IPO show but couldn’t get it together in time. So we were super excited to add it to this collection!
2. If you had to pick only one artist (living or dead) as your musical hero, who would it be and why?
Well, there’s anywhere from 2-7 of us at any given point and I think we’d all have varying answers. Someone who’s not too too serious though.
3. What advice you would give to the current generation of aspiring musicians based on your own experience thus far?
Marry a doctor. Half of us did and it makes all the difference.
4. What advice do you wish someone had given you when you were just starting out as a musician / band? (can be same or different than above)
Rehearse the song on at least two different days before performing it in front of people. No, seriously.
5. What do you most enjoy about being associated with The IPO Festival/CD?
The shows are always fun and we wind up seeing some great local band either none of us have heard of or we’ve been meaning to see but hadn’t yet.
The CDs are shiny.
6. Where can people who love your song on the IPO CD go to get more of your music and/or find out when and where you’re playing?
Super Buffet is on most streaming services, here and there on YouTube, and always at www.IAmTheSuperBuffet.com . You can also find us on Facebook and instagram at IAmTheSuperBuffet

Featured IPO CD Artist: The Larvettes

IPO Vol. 24 CD Song: “Before You Come In”

1. What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
We liked all three equally so out of the three songs we had out at the time, “Before You Come In” had the least exposure.
2. If you had to pick only one artist (living or dead) as your musical hero, who would it be and why?
I’d say Buddy Holly because he was a decent hard-working guy who’s modest and humble private life was complemented by his naturally wild and energetic performances. You could tell he was genuine in both and just radiated good energy and joy and fun. He was like a rock and roll superhero.
3. What advice you would give to the current generation of aspiring musicians based on your own experience thus far?
Be genuine. Play and make music that comes out of you. Don’t worry about if others like it or not. If you’re really invested and passionate about it your fans will find you.
4. What advice do you wish someone had given you when you were just starting out as a musician / band? (can be same or different than above)
Don’t waste too much time waiting for others. If they are not invested after you give them a chance, they will only hold you back.
5. What do you most enjoy about being associated with The IPO Festival/CD?
Being able to see and play with a variety of different styles but what seems like like-minded people. And being a part of a multinational musical family.
6. Where can people who love your song on the IPO CD go to get more of your music and/or find out when and where you’re playing?
Most of the major social media outlets. ITunes, YouTube, Spotify etc..

Featured IPO CD Artist: Kim & Lee

IPO Vol. 24 CD Song: “Out the Flap”

1. What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
It’s our best song (real reason: I’ve forgotten which song we put forward and I can’t find the CD)
2. If you had to pick only one artist (living or dead) as your musical hero, who would it be and why?
My wife and musical partner Lee Cave-Berry without whom I wouldn’t be doing this at all.
3. What advice you would give to the current generation of aspiring musicians based on your own experience thus far?
Be yourself and don’t worry about what anyone else is doing (don’t contribute to making everybody sound the same)
4. What advice do you wish someone had given you when you were just starting out as a musician / band? (can be same or different than above)
Same as above
5. What do you most enjoy about being associated with The IPO Festival/CD?
Everyone is so lovely and Liverpool is probably the most fun city in the universe and has been since about 1957
6. Where can people who love your song on the IPO CD go to get more of your music and/or find out when and where you’re playing?
There’s a Kim and Lee website, a Lee Cave-Berry website and a Kimberley Rew website, and we’re always on Facebook.