
Featured IPO CD Artists: The Arcadeans, Thomas Charlie Pedersen, Andrew Stonehome, Robin Schell, The Love Gamblers

Posted by on March 23, 2024 in IPO CD Interviews | Comments Off on Featured IPO CD Artists: The Arcadeans, Thomas Charlie Pedersen, Andrew Stonehome, Robin Schell, The Love Gamblers

Featured IPO CD Artist: The Arcadeans

IPO Vol. 24 CD Song: “Hear What I Say”

1. What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
It’s the first track from our latest EP, it’s our live show opener, it’s up beat and sets the tone of what the band is all about.
2. If you had to pick only one artist (living or dead) as your musical hero, who would it be and why?
Rory Gallagher, naturally because he’s an Irish hero and a guitar legend, but he was also humble, modest and vastly understated. He did things his way, didn’t fuss about the critics and just wrote some brilliant songs along the way.
3. What advice you would give to the current generation of aspiring musicians based on your own experience thus far?
Just be true to what you want your music to be.
4. What advice do you wish someone had given you when you were just starting out as a musician / band? (can be same or different than above)
Be open to all musical influences. Learn to play an instrument, don’t give up because you think you’re not progressing.
5. What do you most enjoy about being associated with The IPO Festival/CD?
It’s just one big musical family.
6. Where can people who love your song on the IPO CD go to get more of your music and/or find out when and where you’re playing?
https://www.thearcadeans.com – home page
https://open.spotify.com/artist/0fborpOWpNGP60v2gcBORD– Spotify
https://instagram.com/thearcadeans – Instagram

Featured IPO CD Artist: Thomas Charlie Pedersen

IPO Vol. 24 CD Song: “Yesterdays and Silly Ways”

1. What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
I thought it was the most fun and extroverted song on an otherwise fairly introverted record. I think it pretty much sums up what I do. I love melody, chord progressions, good rhythms and to have fun with it all along. I think ‘Yesterdays and Silly Ways’ is a good example of all that.
2. If you had to pick only one artist (living or dead) as your musical hero, who would it be and why?
Oh, I have many. But Mozart comes to mind. Not only do I find his music extremely beautiful, uplifting and inspiring but also the way he just sort of breathed music. And despite all the hardships in his short life he managed to pull through and stay focused and true to his art. I also find a lot of melancholia, sadness and longing in his music. He just sort of covered the entire gamut.
3. What advice you would give to the current generation of aspiring musicians based on your own experience thus far?
Don’t give up. And make sure the main reason for making music will always be to please yourself, first and foremost.
4. What advice do you wish someone had given you when you were just starting out as a musician / band? (can be same or different than above)
Don’t waste your time on major labels. Take control of everything yourself from the get-go.
5. What do you most enjoy about being associated with The IPO Festival/CD?
That I get to see David and Rina!
6. Where can people who love your song on the IPO CD go to get more of your music and/or find out when and where you’re playing?
Bandcamp: https://vinylfloor.bandcamp.com/album/funhouse-mirror
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vinylfloorband/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/73E173tGfOcIhOmNQBtRvK

Featured IPO CD Artist: Andrew Stonehome

IPO Vol. 24 CD Song: “Tired of Your Ghost”

1. What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
I thought that it could provide a stylistic contrast to the rest of the collection because it’s a quirky little song.
2. If you had to pick only one artist (living or dead) as your musical hero, who would it be and why?
It’s difficult to pick one, so I’m going to cheat and say a combination of Buddy Holly, Sting, Paul Simon, Justin Vernon and Peter Gabriel. There are specific things that I appreciate about each of them individually and collectively they all have a willingness to evolve their unique sounds.
3. What advice you would give to the current generation of aspiring musicians based on your own experience thus far?
To spend time thinking about what you’re making, why you’re making it, and what that says about who you are.
4. What advice do you wish someone had given you when you were just starting out as a musician / band? (can be same or different than above)
That the inner critic shouldn’t be a part of the initial idea stage of writing, that 90% of what you write isn’t your best 10%, and that writing crappy stuff is necessary.
5. What do you most enjoy about being associated with The IPO Festival/CD?
I don’t generally have much time to connect with other musicians and music appreciators so it’s nice to be a part of this group.
6. Where can people who love your song on the IPO CD go to get more of your music and/or find out when and where you’re playing?
The best place is on my website ( AndrewStonehome.com ) as well as the standard music and social platforms.

Featured IPO CD Artist: Robin Schell

IPO Vol. 24 CD Song: “Eleven”

1. What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
Someone else chose it. 😉
2. If you had to pick only one artist (living or dead) as your musical hero, who would it be and why?
Paul McCartney. There are other great songwriters, but something about his work just resonates with me. And I suppose it reached me at an age when it made a bigger impression than others.
3. What advice you would give to the current generation of aspiring musicians based on your own experience thus far?
First and foremost, do music to satisfy yourself and don’t chase trends for the sake of perceived fame or fortune.
4. What advice do you wish someone had given you when you were just starting out as a musician / band? (can be same or different than above)
Same as above, and to stick to my proverbial guns no matter what.
5. What do you most enjoy about being associated with The IPO Festival/CD?
It makes me feel I’m part of a like-minded community 😊
6. Where can people who love your song on the IPO CD go to get more of your music and/or find out when and where you’re playing?
At present, via Kool Kat Muzik for the album on CD. And for a downloadable version, on Bandcamp at: https://robinschell.bandcamp.com/album/the-macchiato-new-2023-version

Featured IPO CD Artist: The Love Gamblers

IPO Vol. 24 CD Song: “Without Love”

1. What was the reason you chose the song you did for the IPO CD?
It’s called “Without Love” (The Love Gamblers – song 4, disc 3 IPO Volume 24 CD). I had recently written it, and was pleasantly surprised by how it turned out. Slightly different than my usual. I’ve had some very nice feedback regarding this song from other musicians, including some I don’t personally know but respect greatly. They just reached out to me of the blue. Warms the cockles of my heart.
2. If you had to pick only one artist (living or dead) as your musical hero, who would it be and why?
Stevie Wonder. One of the greatest of all time.
3. What advice you would give to the current generation of aspiring musicians based on your own experience thus far?
Follow your heart! Most likely you’ll not make the big time or even rent money. The reward is doing it.
4. What advice do you wish someone had given you when you were just starting out as a musician / band? (can be same or different than above)
Don’t worry about it, enjoy. There will be better musicians all around you, and worse. Learn from them all, appreciate them all. I used to go around thinking, “Man, I can’t play and sing like so-and-so, I’m not worthy”. Doesn’t matter! Make your own sound.
5. What do you most enjoy about being associated with The IPO Festival/CD?
First, as one who does little to no self-promotion, it’s one of the few ways I’ll be heard by other than my friends! I like the vibe of the whole record, and it’s fun listening to a sequence of songs, then yours comes on!
6. Where can people who love your song on the IPO CD go to get more of your music and/or find out when and where you’re playing?
The Love Gamblers is my solo project ( https://thelovegamblers.bandzoogle.com/music)
The Shamus Twins is the band I usually play IPO with, my pal Tim Morrow and I both contributing original songs ( https://www.bandmix.com/theshamustwins/ )
As we speak I’m recording a new batch, so probably by Fall ’24 a new Love Gamblers CD (old school!) will be released!