

IPO Volume 13: 3CD Set
Featuring 66 pop-tastic tracks by various artists from all over the world who played The International Pop Overthrow Festival. Artists include Seth Swirsky, The Mayflowers, Ulysses, Rob Bonfiglio, Agony Aunts, Scot Sax, and many more! For complete track listing click here. Only $15 +$5 shipping (Compilation comes unwrapped, and has small punch hole in barcode.)



IPO Volume 12: 3CD Set
Featuring 70 pop-tastic tracks by various artists from all over the world who played The International Pop Overthrow Festival. Artists include The Tearaways, Michael Carpenter, Ralph Covert & The Bad Examples, The Janks, Plasticsoul, Laurie Biagini, and many more! For complete track listing click here. Only $15 +$5 shipping (Compilation comes unwrapped)




IPO Volume 11: 3CD Set – OUT OF PRINT!!!
Featuring 66 pop-tastic tracks by various artists from all over the world who played The International Pop Overthrow Festival. Artists include Roger Joseph Manning Jr, Jeremy, Wiretree, Susan Hedges, The Afternoons, Chris Brown, and many more! For complete track listing click here. Although this collection is long out of print, we have limited quantities available. You can find this compilation elsewhere for $90.00, or get it here for the low IPO price of only $30 +$5 shipping (Compilation comes unwrapped, and has small punch hole in barcode.)



IPO Volume 10: 3CD Set
Featuring 66 pop-tastic tracks by various artists from all over the world who played The International Pop Overthrow Festival. Artists include Nelson Bragg, Farrah, Nushu, The Orchid Highway, Admiral Twin, The Well Wishers, and many more! For complete track listing click here. Only $15 +$5 shipping (Compilation comes unwrapped, and has small punch hole in barcode.)



IPO Volume 9: 3CD Set – OUT OF PRINT!!!
Featuring 70 pop-a-licious tracks by various artists from all over the world who played The International Pop Overthrow Festival. Artists include Roger Joseph Manning Jr, Marykate O’Neil, Phil Angotti and The Idea, The Irises, The Dirty Royals, Walter Clevenger & The Dairy Kings, and many more! For complete track listing click here. Limited quantities available. Only $25 +$5 shipping (Compilation comes unwrapped, and has small punch hole in barcode.)




IPO Volume 8: 3CD Set- OUT OF PRINT!!!
Featuring 65 pop-a-licious tracks by various artists from all over the world who played The International Pop Overthrow Festival. Artists include Jim Ellison, Jaimie Vernon, Sparkwood, Corin Ashley, sparkle*jetsUK, Mark Johnson, and many more! For complete track listing click here. Limited quantities available. Only $25 +$5 shipping (Compilation comes unwrapped, and has small punch hole in barcode.)




IPO Volume 7: 3CD Set – OUT OF PRINT!!!
Featuring 69 pop-a-licious tracks by various artists from all over the world who played The International Pop Overthrow Festival. Artists include Jason Falkner (track exclusive to this compilation!), Owsley, Blue Ash, Tommy Keene, The Toms, Twenty Cent Crush, and many more! For complete track listing click here. Limited quantities available – You won’t find this anywhere else on the web! Only $30 +$5 shipping (Compilation comes wrapped)



IPO Volume 6: 3CD Set – OUT OF PRINT!!!
Featuring 66 pop-a-licious tracks by various artists from all over the world who played The International Pop Overthrow Festival. Artists include John Wicks (The Records), Hawks, The Kings, Randell Kirsch/The Pranks, Marc Carroll, Dave Rave Group, and many more! For complete track listing click here. Limited quantities available – You won’t find this anywhere else on the web! Only $30 +$5 shipping (Compilation comes unwrapped, and has small punch hole in bar code)




IPO Volume 5: 3CD Set – OUT OF PRINT!!!
Featuring 68 pop-a-licious tracks by various artists from all over the world who played The International Pop Overthrow Festival. Artists include Jellyfish, The Shazam, Fools Face, The Waking Hours, The Churchills, The Kennedys, AM Radio, Cloud 11, Paula Kelley, Starbelly, The Andersons, The Malibooz, and many more! For complete track listing click here. Limited quantities available. Only $20 +$5 shipping (Compilation comes unwrapped, and has small punch hole in barcode.)


IPO Volume 4: 2CD Set – OUT OF PRINT!!!
Featuring 43 pop-tastic tracks by various artists from all over the world who played The International Pop Overthrow Festival. Artists include Brendan Benson, P.Hux, The Nines, Al Jardine Family & Friends, Anthony & Tony Rivers, Myracle Brah, Beagle, Cliff Hillis, and many more! For complete track listing click here. Limited quantities available. Only $20 +$5 shipping (Compilation comes wrapped)



IPO Volumes 4 – 21: Pop-tabulous Package Deal!!

If you’re recently discovering the melodic joys of the International Pop Overthrow CDs, or never before had the opportunity to purchase any of the past volumes, fear not! You can buy Volumes 4 through 21, for only $250 plus $30 shipping US or $70 shipping to non-U.S. locations! Yes, you read correctly: over 1200 of some of the best pop songs you’ll have ever heard, for less than $300! You won’t find a deal like this anywhere else! As Not Lame owner Bruce Brodeen would proudly exclaim, this deal is “extremely highly recommended!”
Email intlpop@earthlink.net for info.