

International Pop Overthrow offers a variety of sponsorships, promotional opportunities and special activities to provide you with maximum association and exposure to a specific local, national and international target audience.


I. Yearly Worldwide Sponsorship Package


Worldwide Diamond Sponsorship Includes:

  • Banner display at all venues (sponsor to supply banner)
  • Logo on all publicity and on printed materials throughout the year
  • Premium placement banner ad on the IPO website during the 4 months of your choice during the year
  • Logo in the sponsors section on the IPO web site
  • On site sampling at all venues
  • Three VIP Passes To All Showcases (excluding charity events)

Cost: $ 7,500.00



Worldwide Platinum Sponsorship Includes:

  • Banner display at all venues (sponsor to supply banner)
  • Logo on all publicity and printed materials throughout the year
  • Premium placement banner ad on the IPO website during the 2 months of your choice during the year
  • Logo in the sponsors section on the IPO web site
  • Two VIP Passes to all showcases (excluding charity events)

Cost: $ 5,000.00



Worldwide Gold Sponsorship Includes:

  • Banner display at all venues (sponsor to supply banner)
  • Logo on all publicity and printed materials throughout the year
  • Premium placement banner ad on the IPO website during the month of your choice during the year
  • Logo in the sponsors section on the IPO website
  • Two VIP Passes to all showcases (excluding charity events)

Cost: $ 2,000.00



II. Sponsorships on a Per-Festival Basis: (cost varies based on number of shows in each location)


Diamond Sponsorship Includes

  •  Banner display at all venues (sponsor to supply banner)
  • Logo on all publicity and on printed materials
  • Premium placement banner ad on the IPO web site (to remain in place from 1 week before the festival begins until 1 week after it ends)
  • Logo in the Sponsors section of the IPO web site (to remain on site from a month before the festival begins until a month after it ends)
  • On site sampling
  • Three VIP Passes to all showcases (excluding charity events)

Price Range: $750.00 – $ 2,500.00



Platinum Sponsorship Includes:

  • Banner display at all venues (sponsor to supply banner)
  • Logo on all publicity and printed materials
  • Logo in the Sponsors section of the IPO web site (to remain on site from a month before the festival begins until a month after it ends)
  • Two VIP Passes to all showcases (excluding charity events)

Price Range: $500.00 – $ 1,500.00



Gold Sponsorship Includes:

  • Venue banner display (sponsor to supply banner) at a particular venue/night
  • Logo in the Sponsors section of the IPO web site (to remain on site from a month before the festival begins until a month after it ends)
  • Two VIP Passes to all showcases (excluding charity events)

Price Range: $100.00 – $ 500.00




III: Text and Banner Ad Opportunities on the IPO Website


The IPO Website features:

  • Articles
  • Descriptions of showcasing artists
  • Schedules
  • Special events and activities

Advertising prices range from $30 for a text ad on a weekly basis to $800 for a premium placement graphical banner ad on a monthly basis.


A 15% discount is available to all artists and labels.


Deadline to reserve space is 2 weeks before the date you first want your ad to appear, and deadline to submit artwork is 1 week before the date you first want your ad to appear …but be sure to reserve early to make sure you get the dates you want before they are sold out!




IV: IPO Official Programme & Guide


The International Pop Overthrow Official Programme & Guide is published for our UK extravaganza in Liverpool in May , and will be available a week before the festival begins in at various locations throughout the area (typical circulation 1,500) and at every venue once the festival begins. The guide will include:

  • Articles
  • Descriptions of showcasing artists
  • Schedules
  • Special events and activities

Advertising prices range from $85 for an eighth page ad to $1150 for a full color back cover.


A 15% program discount is available to all artists and labels.


Deadline to reserve space is typically 4 weeks prior to publication and deadline to submit artwork is typically 3 weeks prior to publication.


Please contact DAVID BASH at intlpop@earthlink.net for more information.